worth visiting blog

worth visiting blog

Hi dear,

Welcome, Isaac pamai's here, u can called smiling & this is about?hehe..
I hav been feverishly trying 2 hav a blog instead of spending all my tym in fACEBOOK...... ;

Hope U will find some interesting stuff sumday or atleast make u laugh ;) .. thank you..

ma new fb friend :)

Guess who lol......
she smoke hot.. but so nice to chat with :)............. 


Care to join? hehhehehehhe
(right) kingfisher at background and (left) Over BHUBANESWAR CITY

AT hanger... and with fren Gnana prakash......(.flatmate)


  1.  Open the doors of the window. Let the atmosphere come in.
  2. Open the doors of the window let the Airforce come in.
  3. Cut an apple into two halves - take the bigger half.
  4. Shhh...Quiet, boys...the principal just passed away in the corridor.
  5. You, meet me behind the class. ( meaning AFTER the class ..)
  6. Both of u three, get out of the class.
  7. Close the doors of the windows please .. I have winter in my nose today
  8.  Take Copper Wire of any metal especially of Silver.
  9. Take 5 cm wire of any length.
  10.  I have two daughters. Both of them are girls..(?)
  11. All of you, stand in a straight circle.
  12.  There is no wind in the ball.
  13. ( angrily to  BOY) I talk, he talk, why you middle middle talk?
  14. ( Giving a punishment) You, rotate the ground four times...
  15. You, go and under-stand the tree...
  16. You three of you, stand together separately.
  17. Why are you late - say YES or NO ....(?)

While going for a film with his wife. By chance, he happened  to see one of his
 boys at the theatre, though the boy did not see  them. So the next day at school (to that boy):
 "Yesterday I saw you WITH MY WIFE at the Cinema Theatre."

Birthday boy

Its Birthday boy...cute right????? 
Youth is a gr8 thing but a crime 2 waste on children.
Life is 2 short 2 b small. Don’t count da years, count da blessings.
May All Ur Dreams Come True on Ur Bday!I'm grateful you were born, 
because you fill our life with joy.Happy Birthday dude.
Another fresh year begins, another year to live life to the fullest.

Naughty kids

lung and justin..... damn naughty and intelligent...lmao..... 

All happen with reason

Sumtym people come into my  life & I  know right away dat they were meant 2 be there. 

They serve some sort of purpose, teach  a lesson, or help me figure out who I am (what I m now) 
 & what I cannot...(like prime minister hahaha.) 
U never know who these people may be: room-mate, neighbour, teacher, friend, lover, etc.

Even a complete stranger who, when you lock eyes with them, 
you know in that very moment that they will affect your life in some way.
And sometimes things happen 2 us, and at the time they may seem painful, and unfair.
But in reflection we realize that without overcoming those obstacles, 
we would hav never realized our potential, strength, will power, or heart....
Everything happens 4 a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, happiness.Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere...safe and comfortable, but dull and pointless...
The people u meet who affect your life, and the successes and downfalls u experience, create who you are & what I am.
(so come and stay where I am lmao).... 


A reporter, interviewing a man 
who was celebrating his ninety-ninth birthday,
 said, “I certainly hope I can return next year and see you reach one hundred.”
“Don’t see why not, young fellow?” The old man replied, “you look healthy enough to me.”